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Your search topic osmose returned the following articles:

Domestic reverse osmosis plant with AQUASTAR pump

Posted on June 17th, 2021 by Mourad Kouki

Domestic reverse osmosis plant with AQUASTAR pump


Reverse osmosis, the most effective technology for purifying drinking water. It reduces 99.8% of impurities and pollution (nitrate, pesticide), bacteria and viruses, as well as chlorine, odors and color, making water clear and clean,

reject undesirable elements such as :
heavy metals: fluorine, chromium, mercury, lead, zinc
drug residues
pesticides and other impurities: limescale, bacteria

The reverse osmosis filter is safe for human health, both for adults and children. At the same time, the reverse osmosis filter is one of the most economical methods of domestic water purification.


Principle ofdirect osmosis

The principle ofdirect osmosis is to deliver instant osmosis water without storing it in a buffer tank.  this system is mainly suitable for mains water coolers.

Direct-flow osmosis plant operation

in fact, before reaching the membranetap water passes through various cartridges.
Thus, their function is to provide a first level of filtration to protect the membrane by trapping the particles. sedimentby de-chlorinating the water with activated carbonor by modifying the structure of the limestone through the use of KDF (mixture of copper and zinc)...
Finally, the membrane removes 80 to 95 % of dissolved solids, leaving the filtered water of exceptional quality.

Kit contents :

Equipped with cartridge :
sediment filtration to remove impurities.
GAC / UDF activated carbon to eliminate chlorine.
Carbon block CTO to remove organic matter.
75 GPD membrane for water purification
vegetable activated carbon post-filter
1 tap and 1 tank.

One-year warranty

Maintenance contract

Reverse osmosis plant with Profine Plus pump

Posted on June 17th, 2021 by Mourad Kouki

Osmoseur inverse avec pompe Profine Plus


Eau cristalline, sans calcaire
bouilloire propre sans dépôts
Coffee machine protection

vous obtenez une eau :
sans métaux, chlore, pesticides, micro-organismes
bon pour le fonctionnement de l’organisme riche en   calcium, le magnésium, le potassium, le sodium.
ionisée – une eau aux propriétés bénéfiques pour la santé, oxygénation du corps et retarde le processus de vieillissement.
Vous n’avez pas besoin d’acheter et de transporter des bouteilles d’eau et donc de limiter la production de déchets plastiques.


Reverse osmosis, the most effective technology for purifying drinking water. It reduces 99.8% of impurities and pollution (nitrate, pesticide), bacteria and viruses, as well as chlorine, odors and color, making water clear and clean,

reject undesirable elements such as :
heavy metals: fluorine, chromium, mercury, lead, zinc
drug residues
pesticides and other impurities: limescale, bacteria

The reverse osmosis filter is safe for human health, both for adults and children. At the same time, the reverse osmosis filter is one of the most economical methods of domestic water purification.


Principle ofdirect osmosis

The principle ofdirect osmosis is to deliver instant osmosis water without storing it in a buffer tank.  this system is mainly suitable for mains water coolers.

Direct-flow osmosis plant operation

in fact, before reaching the membranetap water passes through various cartridges.
Thus, their function is to provide a first level of filtration to protect the membrane by trapping the particles. sedimentby de-chlorinating the water with activated carbonor by modifying the structure of the limestone through the use of KDF (mixture of copper and zinc)...
Finally, the membrane removes 80 to 95 % of dissolved solids, leaving the filtered water of exceptional quality.

Kit contents :

Equipped with cartridge :

sediment filtration to remove impurities.

GAC / UDF activated carbon to eliminate chlorine.

Carbon block CTO to remove organic matter.

membrane 80 GPD pour purifier l’eau

vegetable activated carbon post-filter

1 robinet et 1 réservoir 15 l

One-year warranty

Maintenance contract

Domestic reverse osmosis plant without pump

Posted on May 19th, 2021 by Mourad Kouki


Reverse osmosis, the most effective technology for purifying drinking water. It reduces 99.8% of impurities and pollution (nitrate, pesticide), bacteria and viruses, as well as chlorine, odors and color, making water clear and clean,

reject undesirable elements such as :



heavy metals: fluorine, chromium, mercury, lead, zinc

drug residues

pesticides and other impurities: limescale, bacteria

The reverse osmosis filter is safe for human health, both for adults and children. At the same time, the reverse osmosis filter is one of the most economical methods of domestic water purification.


Principle ofdirect osmosis

The principle ofdirect osmosis is to deliver instant osmosis water without storing it in a buffer tank.  this system is mainly suitable for mains water coolers.

Direct-flow osmosis plant operation

in fact, before reaching the membranetap water passes through various cartridges.
Thus, their function is to provide a first level of filtration to protect the membrane by trapping the particles. sedimentby de-chlorinating the water with activated carbonor by modifying the structure of the limestone through the use of KDF (mixture of copper and zinc)...
Finally, the membrane removes 80 to 95 % of dissolved solids, leaving the filtered water of exceptional quality.

Kit contents :

Sediment filter cartridge
Activated carbon cartridge
Carbon block CTO cartridge
Membrane 80 GPD purifies water
Activated carbon post-filter
Installation and activation fees are charged in addition.

One-year warranty

Maintenance contract

VERDANA 300 GPD tankless direct osmosis plant

Posted on May 30th, 2018 by Aquatiss

VERDANA 300 GPD tankless direct osmosis plant


Reverse osmosis, the most effective technology for purifying drinking water. It reduces 99.8% of impurities and pollution (nitrate, pesticide), bacteria and viruses, as well as chlorine, odors and color, making water clear and clean,

reject undesirable elements such as :

heavy metals: fluorine, chromium, mercury, lead, zinc
drug residues
pesticides and other impurities: limescale, bacteria

The reverse osmosis filter is safe for human health, both for adults and children. At the same time, the reverse osmosis filter is one of the most economical methods of domestic water purification.


Principle ofdirect osmosis

The principle ofdirect osmosis is to deliver instant osmosis water without storing it in a buffer tank.  this system is mainly suitable for mains water coolers.

Direct-flow osmosis plant operation

in fact, before reaching the membranetap water passes through various cartridges.
Thus, their function is to provide a first level of filtration to protect the membrane by trapping the particles. sedimentby de-chlorinating the water with activated carbonor by modifying the structure of the limestone through the use of KDF (mixture of copper and zinc)...
Finally, the membrane removes 80 to 95 % of dissolved solids, leaving the filtered water of exceptional quality.

Kit contents :

Equipped with cartridge :
sediment filtration to remove impurities.
GAC / UDF activated carbon to eliminate chlorine.
Carbon block CTO to remove organic matter.
membrane 80 GPD pour purifier l’eau
vegetable activated carbon post-filter
1 tap

One-year warranty

Maintenance contract

Domestic reverse osmosis plant with Dima pump

Posted on May 30th, 2018 by Aquatiss

Domestic reverse osmosis plant with Dima pump


Reverse osmosis, the most effective technology for purifying drinking water. It reduces 99.8% of impurities and pollution (nitrate, pesticide), bacteria and viruses, as well as chlorine, odors and color, making water clear and clean,

reject undesirable elements such as :
heavy metals: fluorine, chromium, mercury, lead, zinc
drug residues
pesticides and other impurities: limescale, bacteria

The reverse osmosis filter is safe for human health, both for adults and children. At the same time, the reverse osmosis filter is one of the most economical methods of domestic water purification.


Principle ofdirect osmosis

The principle ofdirect osmosis is to deliver instant osmosis water without storing it in a buffer tank.  this system is mainly suitable for mains water coolers.

Direct-flow osmosis plant operation

in fact, before reaching the membranetap water passes through various cartridges.
Thus, their function is to provide a first level of filtration to protect the membrane by trapping the particles. sedimentby de-chlorinating the water with activated carbonor by modifying the structure of the limestone through the use of KDF (mixture of copper and zinc)...
Finally, the membrane removes 80 to 95 % of dissolved solids, leaving the filtered water of exceptional quality.

Kit contents :

Equipped with cartridge :
sediment filtration to remove impurities.
GAC / UDF activated carbon to eliminate chlorine.
Carbon block CTO to remove organic matter.
membrane 80 GPD pour purifier l’eau
vegetable activated carbon post-filter
1 tap and 1 tank.

One-year warranty

Maintenance contract

Bactifree 3 in 1 Bactericidal Detergent Cleaner Spray

Posted on July 22nd, 2020 by Aquatiss

Bactifree 3 in 1 Bactericidal Detergent Cleaner Spray
high surfaces
In just 60 seconds

How to use

Spray the product onto a soft cloth.
Apply to the surface to be treated. Allow to take effect.
The surface is disinfected in just 60 seconds.
Carefully wipe all surfaces with a soft cloth.
that may come into contact with food.

Do not use on hot, damaged, scratched or acid-sensitive surfaces. If in doubt, test on a small, inconspicuous area.


Desks, worktops,
switches, telephone booths,
computers, keyboards, mice, printers,
photocopiers, furniture, toys,
door handles, toilet seat,
gearshift knob...

Precaution For Use

Detergent cleaner Bactericide Bactifree Spray 3 in 1

Irritating to eyes. Do not breathe.
sprays. In case of contact with
eyes, wash immediately with plenty of water
with water and consult a specialist.
If swallowed, consult
immediately see a doctor
and show him the packaging
or the

Clear, colorless solution
Fresh mint scent
pH: 2.9
Density 20°C: 1.18
Qualitative composition

Ethanol, osmosis water, thickener
natural, lactic acid, anionic surfactant, glutamate, fragrance.

Microbiological properties

Assets on Standards T Time to
Bacteria EN 1040EN
5 minutes
60 seconds
60 seconds
EN 1275En 1650 +A1 15 minutes
Virus EN 14476+ A1(HBV)6 60 minutes


Effective in 60 seconds
In accordance with
In 1276 in dirty conditions

Mains-connected water fountain

Posted on March 29th, 2018 by Aquatiss

Mains-connected water fountain
Son installation facile et ses nombreux avantages attirent de plus en plus d’entreprises et de collectivités publiques et privés .

Disposer d’un accès à l’eau potable pour les individus travaillant dans une société est une obligation Ainsi, s’équiper La fontaine à eau sur réseau , proposant une eau fraîche de qualité, est un réel atout qui améliore l’image de l’entreprise et le confort de ses salariés.

en effet Son installation, réalisée par un professionnel, ne demande qu’un accès à une arrivée d’eau potable et à une prise électrique (220V). Il suffit ensuite de trouver son emplacement idéal, proche des machines à café, dans le couloir ou le hall d’accueil, pour favoriser le bien-être

Reverse osmosis filtration kit optional

Pour un filtrage optimal de l’eau

en effet, vous pouvez rajouter un kit de filtration par système osmose inverse (en option)
L’osmose inverse est le procédé le plus performant pour filtrer l’eau le plus finement possible. L’eau est purifiée grâce à plusieurs étapes de filtration : préfiltre à charbon actif, membrane, post-filtre reminéralisateur.

Le système comprend filtre a membrane semi-perméable. Celle-ci va laisser passer les molécules d’eau les plus fines et rejeter les éléments indésirables que sont :

► le chlore

► les nitrates

► les métaux lourds : fluor, chrome, mercure, plomb, zinc

► les résidus médicamenteux

► les pesticides et autres impuretés : calcaire, bactéries

L’osmose inverse est un système de purification de l’eau contenant des matières en solution par un système de filtrage très fin qui ne laisse passer que les molécules d’eau

Spécifications fontaine :

Cuvette en inox
Structure enveloppe extérieur prélaqué
Hermetic compressor
Refrigerant R 134a
Refroidissement par serpentin en cuivre à contre-Courant
Robinet à col de Cygne avec bouton poussoir
Débit 40 litres/heure ou 120L/h
Alimentation 220V 50 Hz

Maintenance contract