Reverse osmosis plant with Profine Plus pump

reduced water purification 99,8% impurities and pollution


Sediment filtration cartridge to remove impurities.
GAC / UDF activated carbon cartridge for chlorine removal.
CTO block carbon cartridge to remove organic matter.
80 GPD membrane for water purification
Vegetable activated carbon post-filter
Faucet and 1 tank 15L

Coffee machine protection

Maintenance contract


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Special offer

Installation and activation fees are charged in addition.


Description du produit

Reverse osmosis with Profine Plus pump


Eau cristalline, sans calcaire
bouilloire propre sans dépôts
Coffee machine protection

vous obtenez une eau :
sans métaux, chlore, pesticides, micro-organismes
bon pour le fonctionnement de l’organisme riche en   calcium, le magnésium, le potassium, le sodium.
ionisée – une eau aux propriétés bénéfiques pour la santé, oxygénation du corps et retarde le processus de vieillissement.
Vous n’avez pas besoin d’acheter et de transporter des bouteilles d’eau et donc de limiter la production de déchets plastiques.


Reverse osmosis, the most effective technology for purifying drinking water. It reduces 99.8% of impurities and pollution (nitrate, pesticide), bacteria and viruses, as well as chlorine, odors and color, making water clear and clean,

reject undesirable elements such as :
heavy metals: fluorine, chromium, mercury, lead, zinc
drug residues
pesticides and other impurities: limescale, bacteria

The reverse osmosis filter is safe for human health, both for adults and children. At the same time, the reverse osmosis filter is one of the most economical methods of domestic water purification.


Principle ofdirect osmosis

The principle ofdirect osmosis is to deliver instant osmosis water without storing it in a buffer tank.  this system is mainly suitable for mains water coolers.

Direct-flow osmosis plant operation

in fact, before reaching the membranetap water passes through various cartridges.
Thus, their function is to provide a first level of filtration to protect the membrane by trapping the particles. sedimentby de-chlorinating the water with activated carbonor by modifying the structure of the limestone through the use of KDF (mixture of copper and zinc)...
Finally, the membrane removes 80 to 95 % of dissolved solids, leaving the filtered water of exceptional quality.

Kit contents :

Equipped with cartridge :

sediment filtration to remove impurities.

GAC / UDF activated carbon to eliminate chlorine.

Carbon block CTO to remove organic matter.

80 GPD membrane for water purification

vegetable activated carbon post-filter

1 robinet et 1 réservoir 15 l

One-year warranty

Maintenance contract


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